Cervical spine CT (computed tomography) radiology search pattern

For those aspiring radiologists out there, has anyone ever explained to you what you should do when you sit down at the PACS station to look at a cervical spine CT? What are the common indications to get a cervical spine CT?

For those non-radiologists out there, have you ever wondered what exactly is going through a radiologists mind as they look through the images? How do you even begin to look at all of the imaging findings?

This video attempts to demystify a lot of that by showing exactly how you might sit down and look at a cervical spine CT on your own. It starts with the reformatted images (those in sagittal and coronal planes) to get an overview of the alignment and anatomy before reviewing the axial images. This video doesn’t include everything you should look at, but is a guide for how you might begin.

The level of this video is appropriate for medical students, junior residents, and trainees in other specialties who have an interest in neuroradiology. It may also be of interest to those with an interest in radiology who are simply curious to learn more about radiology.

See this and other videos on our Youtube channel.