Neuroradiology topic guides

Welcome to the topic based guides of neuroradiology. Here you will find information about a variety of high yield areas organized by topic. Click the areas below to get further information.

Advanced MRI imaging

There are several advanced MRI techniques for more sophisticated imaging of brain structure and function. The most common advanced imaging techniques include spectroscopy, perfusion, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and functional MRI (fMRI). This page gives some of the details of using advanced imaging techniques for brain imaging and surgical planning.

Autoimmune and inflammatory conditions

There are a wide variety of autoimmune conditions that affect the brain and spine. Some, like demyelinating disease, are common, but have a variety of manifestations that can appear differently. Others, such as unusual inflammatory encephalitis, are rare but it is relatively important for radiologists to know about them.

Brain tumors

Brain tumors are one of the most common diagnoses addressed in neuroradiology. This covers a wide spectrum of disease, from primary brain tumors like gliomas and glioblastomas to secondary disease like metastases. This section covers the spectrum of the most common brain tumors, including primary brain tumors, other brain tumors like metastasis and lymphoma, and less common brain tumors.

Head and Neck Imaging

Imaging of the head and neck can be a real challenge for the beginning radiologist as well as other physicians taking care of patients with disease of the ear, skull base, face, and neck soft tissues. The anatomy is challenging because it is small and complex, and many of the disease processes are quite subtle. To address this challenge, you should have some strategic approaches to the anatomy and pathology that is present in this area.

Intracranial hemorrhage (coming soon)

This section covers the general imaging appearance (CT and MRI) of intracranial hemorrhage, how it evolves over time, and a strategic approach to diagnosing causes of intracranial hemorrhage. Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and traumatic intracranial hemorrhage are not really covered much here, with the emphasis on intraparenchymal hemorrhage.


Procedures are a key part of neuroradiology. The most commonly performed procedures include: lumbar punctures, myelograms, cisternograms, biopsies, and blood patches Every trainee should have a rudimentary knowledge of these procedures, including indications for performing them, how they are performed, and common risks and contraindications.

Spine Osseous Lesions

Bone lesions of the spine are particularly challenging to diagnose whether they are found in symptomatic patients or as incidental findings. This page provides a systematic approach to spine bone lesions taught through a series of interactive “choose your own adventure” style videos.

Spine Tumors

Spine tumors can be a challenging topic for a neuroradiologist because we deal less with tumors in the spinal cord and spinal canal. However, there is a relatively simple approach that can help you hone your differential diagnosis. This involves taking a location-based approach which divides the spinal canal into 3 main regions.

Vascular imaging

Vascular imaging, including CT angiography (CTA), MR angiography (MRA), and catheter angiography are a big part of neuroradiology. When vascular abnormalities are suspected because of clinical exam or findings on other imaging, such as CT or MRI, angiographic exams provide a dedicated way to look for abnormalities in the vessels.