Imaging intracranial hemorrhage – imaging appearance and evolution
This section covers the general imaging appearance of intracranial hemorrhage.
On CT, acute hemorrhage is initially hyperdense due to high protein content within serum and red blood cells. Over time, proteinaceous contents will be cleared and the hemorrhage will become less dense.
The MRI appearance of hemorrhage is dominated by the status of hemoglobin. oxyhemoglobin is first converted to deoxyhemoglobin and then methemoglobin, all which have slightly different MR properties. It’s complex, but there are stupid mnemonic devices you can use to help.
The level of this lecture is appropriate for medical students, junior residents, and trainees in other specialties who have an interest in neuroradiology or may see patients with intracranial hemorrhage or stroke.
Check out the full Youtube playlist to see the entire lecture.